5 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux/GERD

Acid reflux or GERD can happen to anyone. GERD is primarily treated with over-the-counter medicines, like antacids and dietary alterations. In more severe cases, prescription medicines may be needed to prevent potential damage to the oesophagus. While the traditional medicine is the most prevalent form of GERD treatment, there are few remarkable home treatments you can try to minimize instances of acid reflux.

1. Aim for a healthy weight
While heartburn can happen to anyone, acid reflux seems to be most common amongst the adults who are obese or overweight. Excessive weight, especially in the abdominal region, puts tremendous pressure on the stomach. As a result, you’re at an intensified risk of stomach acids working back toward the oesophagus and producing heartburn. If you’re overweight, try to achieve a steady weight loss plan of 1 or 2 pounds every week. On the other side, if you are already at a healthy weight, then make sure you keep it with a healthy diet and daily exercise. Acid reflux treatment online from a reputed healthcare provider can help to avoid the acid reflux symptoms.

2. Know which foods to avoid
No matter what your weight, there are several known trigger foods that can boost your risk of acid reflux. Try avoiding the following foods:

     high-fat foods, such as fast foods and greasy foods
     fried foods
     tomato sauce and other tomato-based products
     citrus fruit juices

By limiting or completely avoiding these food mentioned above, you may experience sporadic symptoms. You may also wish to keep a small food diary to help recognise the foods cause problem to your health.

3. Eat a little, sit up a little longer
Eating meals in smaller amounts which put less pressure on the stomach, which can limit the backflow of stomach acids. By eating the smaller amounts of food more regularly, you can decrease heartburn and also consume fewer calories overall. It’s also necessary to avoid lying down immediately after eating. Doing so can also trigger heartburn. Wait for 2 to 3 hours after eating.

4. Eat foods that help
No one magic food can treat acid reflux. Still, aside from avoiding the trigger foods, some other dietary changes can also help. Try low-fat, high-protein meals. Decreasing dietary fat intake can eventually reduce your GERD symptoms while taking enough protein and fibre will keep you full and check overeating. Try including some of these protein foods into your diet to help your acid reflux.

5. Quit smoking
In case you required another reason to quit smoking, heartburn is one of those. Smoking damages the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is responsible for inhibiting stomach acids from backing up. When the muscles of the LES are impaired from smoking, you may experience frequent heartburn episodes. Passive smoke can also be problematic if you’re fighting acid reflux.


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